Its Her Factory
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Printed Its Her Factory 15th Anniversary Zine

$10.00 - $25.00

This 97-page volume celebrates the 15th anniversary of Robin James's Its Her Factory blog. It includes reprints of some of the blog's most popular and impactful posts alongside new commentary from James on each post, as well as a new introduction.

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: Popular Music (Studies)
Chapter 2: Philosophy
Chapter 3: Proto-Resilience & Melancholy
Chapter 4: Becoming The Sonic Episteme
Chapter 5: WOXY, Modern Rock, and the Alt-Rock to Alt-Right Pipeline
Chapter 6: Vibes

Costs include delivery: $15 for US domestic first class mail; $20 for orders shipped to Canada; $30 for orders shipped to the UK. For other locations, please email robinmjames7ATgmailDOTcom for pricing inquires.